Thank you for your GENEROSITY to support the KINGDOM work of Antioch Ann Arbor.


We invite you to take a moment to read our “Generosity Liturgy” that we say together corporately, every Sunday, as a practice of counter-formation, to cultivate our hearts in the direction of generosity. We believe it is important to take time to turn our hearts towards giving, and not have it be a mundane practice that we do automatically from our bank accounts every month. It also allows us to corporately focus on the why we give, and pray in unity, for God to use the fruits of our labor to advance His Kingdom.

Heavenly Father, there is nothing I have, that you have not given me.  All I have and am belongs to you and is bought with the blood of Jesus. 

Generosity is the way of those who call Christ their Lord, who love Him with pure hearts and serve Him with renewed minds and so I desire to be one whose heart is in your kingdom and not in the systems of the world.  

I am determined to increase in generosity to help build your kingdom and to be trustworthy with such a little thing as money that you may trust me with true riches.   

Above all, I choose to be generous because you, Father, are generous.  And because your Word says that you love a cheerful giver.  AMEN.  


We are thankful to be a part of a larger Body of Christ in the Ann Arbor area believe it is important for us to support other kingdom work that spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ. We tithe towards international missions and the local ministries below.

Hope Clinic
Mission: At Hope Clinic, we have a vision—we want to create a community where everyone has the opportunity to serve and be served. Made in the image of God, each one of us has value, and deserves to have their needs met.

Arborwoman is a local faith based pro life women’s healthcare clinic that provides health care and support to women.

Arbor Woman: Grounded in faith, the Arborwoman approach provides holistic, personalized care for our patients of all ages. Our team of experienced, compassionate healthcare professionals treats you as an individual.